语法误差校正(GEC)系统执行序列到序列任务,其中GEC系统校正了包含语法错误的输入单词序列,以输出语法正确的单词序列。随着深度学习方法的出现,自动化的GEC系统变得越来越流行。例如,GEC系统通常用于英语学习者的语音转录作为评估和反馈形式 - 这些强大的GEC系统可用于自动测量候选人流利度的一个方面。 \ textit {edits}的计数从候选人的输入句子(或论文)到GEC系统的语法校正输出句子,这表明候选人的语言能力,其中更少的编辑表明更好的流利度。因此,编辑计数可以被视为\ textit {fluency评分},零表示完美的流利度。但是,尽管基于深度学习的GEC系统非常强大和准确,但它们容易受到对抗性攻击:对手可以在系统的输入下引入一个小的,特定的更改,该系统在输出时会导致大型,不需要的变化。在考虑将GEC系统应用于自动化语言评估时,对手的目的可能是通过对语法上不正确的输入句子进行小改动来作弊,该句子隐藏了GEC系统中的错误被不公正地获得了完美的流利程度。这项工作研究了一种简单的普遍替代攻击攻击,非母语的英语说话者实际上可以采用欺骗用于评估的GEC系统。
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基于深度学习的系统容易受到对抗性攻击的影响,在该系统中,输入的小小的,不可察觉的变化改变了模型的预测。但是,迄今为止,大多数检测这些攻击的方法都是为图像处理系统设计的。许多流行的图像对抗检测方法能够从嵌入特征空间中识别对抗性示例,而在NLP域中,现有最先进的检测方法仅关注输入文本特征,而无需考虑模型嵌入空间。这项工作研究了将这些图像移植到自然语言处理(NLP)任务时,将产生什么差异 - 发现这些检测器的端口不能很好地端口。这是可以预期的,因为NLP系统具有非常不同的输入形式:本质上的离散和顺序,而不是图像的连续和固定尺寸输入。作为等效的以模型为重点的NLP检测方法,这项工作提出了一个简单的基于“残基”检测器的句子,以识别对抗性示例。在许多任务上,它超过表现的移植图像域检测器和最新的NLP特定探测器的状态。
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Arbitrary Style Transfer is a technique used to produce a new image from two images: a content image, and a style image. The newly produced image is unseen and is generated from the algorithm itself. Balancing the structure and style components has been the major challenge that other state-of-the-art algorithms have tried to solve. Despite all the efforts, it's still a major challenge to apply the artistic style that was originally created on top of the structure of the content image while maintaining consistency. In this work, we solved these problems by using a Deep Learning approach using Convolutional Neural Networks. Our implementation will first extract foreground from the background using the pre-trained Detectron 2 model from the content image, and then apply the Arbitrary Style Transfer technique that is used in SANet. Once we have the two styled images, we will stitch the two chunks of images after the process of style transfer for the complete end piece.
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Building an AI agent that can design on its own has been a goal since the 1980s. Recently, deep learning has shown the ability to learn from large-scale data, enabling significant advances in data-driven design. However, learning over prior data limits us only to solve problems that have been solved before and biases data-driven learning towards existing solutions. The ultimate goal for a design agent is the ability to learn generalizable design behavior in a problem space without having seen it before. We introduce a self-learning agent framework in this work that achieves this goal. This framework integrates a deep policy network with a novel tree search algorithm, where the tree search explores the problem space, and the deep policy network leverages self-generated experience to guide the search further. This framework first demonstrates an ability to discover high-performing generative strategies without any prior data, and second, it illustrates a zero-shot generalization of generative strategies across various unseen boundary conditions. This work evaluates the effectiveness and versatility of the framework by solving multiple versions of two engineering design problems without retraining. Overall, this paper presents a methodology to self-learn high-performing and generalizable problem-solving behavior in an arbitrary problem space, circumventing the needs for expert data, existing solutions, and problem-specific learning.
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This paper focuses on the uncertainty estimation of white matter lesions (WML) segmentation in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On one side, voxel-scale segmentation errors cause the erroneous delineation of the lesions; on the other side, lesion-scale detection errors lead to wrong lesion counts. Both of these factors are clinically relevant for the assessment of multiple sclerosis patients. This work aims to compare the ability of different voxel- and lesion- scale uncertainty measures to capture errors related to segmentation and lesion detection respectively. Our main contributions are (i) proposing new measures of lesion-scale uncertainty that do not utilise voxel-scale uncertainties; (ii) extending an error retention curves analysis framework for evaluation of lesion-scale uncertainty measures. Our results obtained on the multi-center testing set of 58 patients demonstrate that the proposed lesion-scale measures achieves the best performance among the analysed measures. All code implementations are provided at https://github.com/NataliiaMolch/MS_WML_uncs
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空间机器人应用程序(例如,拆除活动空间碎片)(ASDR)需要在启动之前进行代表性测试。在空间中模仿微重力环境的一种常用方法是基于空气的平台,例如欧洲航天局的轨道机器人技术和GNC Lab(ORGL)。这项工作为ORGL的浮动平台提供了控制架构,配备了八个基于螺线管 - 阀门的推进器和一个反应轮。控制体系结构由两个主要组成部分组成:一个轨迹规划师,该轨迹规划师找到了连接两个状态的最佳轨迹和一个遵循任何物理可行轨迹的轨迹追随者。首先在引入的仿真中评估控制器,在查找和跟随轨迹的轨迹中获得100%的成功率,以在蒙特卡罗测试中来源。单个轨迹也成功地是物理系统。在这项工作中,我们展示了控制器拒绝干扰并遵循数十厘米内的直线轨迹的能力。
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跨视野地理位置化的现有工作基于将地面全景与空中图像相匹配的图像。在这项工作中,我们专注于地面视频,而不是图像,这些视频提供了对此任务很重要的其他上下文提示。没有针对此问题的现有数据集,因此我们提出了GAMA数据集,这是一个带有地面视频和相应空中图像的大型数据集。我们还提出了一种解决这个问题的新方法。在剪辑级,简短的视频剪辑与相应的空中图像匹配,后来用于获得长视频的视频级地理定位。此外,我们提出了一种分层方法,以进一步改善剪辑级地理定位。这是一个具有挑战性的数据集,未对齐和有限的视野,我们提出的方法的前1个召回率为19.4%和45.1% @1.0英里。代码和数据集可在以下链接中获得:https://github.com/svyas23/gama。
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与单模式学习相比,大型数据集上的联合视觉和语言建模最近在多模式任务中表现出了良好的进步。但是,这些方法对现实世界扰动的鲁棒性尚未被研究。在这项工作中,我们对此类模型进行了首次广泛的鲁棒性研究,以针对针对视频和语言的各种现实世界的扰动。我们专注于文本到视频检索,并提出了两个大型基准数据集,即MSRVTT-P和YouCook2-P,它们利用了90个不同的视觉和35个不同的文本扰动。该研究揭示了一些有趣的发现:1)当文本受到干扰而不是视频扰动时,研究的模型更加可靠。 3)与跨注意时,使用两个分支编码器通常更健壮。我们希望这项研究能够作为基准,并指导强大的多模式学习的未来研究。
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